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army day 陸軍節。

“ , have words , including national day , found the party day , build up the army day , finish recovering day , appear in the slogans repeatedly ,還有不少數位,包括國慶日建黨日建軍日光復日等,都反復出現在標語口號中。

army group

Many of my old friends are asking , the army days series that i introduced more than 10 years ago , were very popular . do i still have it 很多當年的朋友都在問,十幾年前,我推出的當兵專輯很受大家的支持,還有嗎?老實說,有些還在,有些壞了。 。 。

“ , have words , including national day , found the party day , build up the army day , finish recovering day , appear in the slogans repeatedly ,還有不少數位,包括國慶日建黨日建軍日光復日等,都反復出現在標語口號中。

August 1 of each year is the army day 每年8月1日是建軍節。

They swapped ( ie told each other ) stories about their army days 他們互相講述了他們在軍隊中的經歷